January 24, 2024
2023 Design Trends that will Continue in 2024
2023 was a year of new and exciting home design trends with focus on one’s creativity and personality, showcasing an increase in personal styles and restful spaces within the home. However, not all design trends stay long-term, but here are seven trends that are expected to still be popular this year:
1. Quiet Luxury
Quiet luxury is a design based on mindset, it includes investing in furniture and decor that is timeless and elegant. Quiet luxury is seen throughout newer generations not only in home design, but also in fashion and lifestyle. The idea is that you have simplistic and quality things, but they aren’t necessarily super expensive. In other words, the fad of having the name brand is fading.
2. Color Drenching
Color drenching is a paint trend where all components of a room are embellished in the same color, and is a simple and inexpensive way to enhance a room. It’s known to enhance coziness, with neutral or moody colors commonly used, with one or two accent colors mixed in the decor. In 2024, we could see this trend shift to more bright colors however. Color drenching is a great way to inexpensively enhance a room.
3. Limewash
Another paint trend here to stay! If you’re going for a rustic look, this is your new go to. Limewash can help romanticize any room, adding deep beauty and character to any space.
4. The Color of Green
We’ve seen green everywhere in 2023, and we can expect the same, if not more of, in 2024. With the idea of creating a restful space within the home, green is the perfect color. It’s correlation to nature and the physical use of plants and greenery for decor in homes today, we do not see this leaving anytime soon. Not only this, but the versatility of all shades of greens allows expansive opportunity for homeowners when decorating their home.
5. Sustainable Decor
Much like bringing greenery into the home, homeowners have a keen interest in the environment today. Sustainability is a growing topic in all categories of life, and home design is one of the many. The ever so popular vintage style and decorating through thrift stores and DIY projects is what brings this trend to the top for 2024. We can expect to see earthy colors, textured and natural woods, and natural stones to increase this year as well. Anything that includes recycled, natural, and environmentally friendly materials is here to stay.
6. Warm-toned Colors
Believe it or not, the cool toned grays and blues have started to make an exit in 2023. We now are seeing warmer colors in replacement and this will continue to increase throughout this year. Colors like pink, tan, peach, and stone will replace common whites, beige and grays.
7. Dopamine Decor
Now this is something the common homeowner likely hasn’t heard of. Dopamine decor includes the personal touch, the going outside the “norm”, it is for you to design and to add to your space to express your personality. The purpose of this decor trend is obvious, it’s to boost your dopamine levels. This trend is simply to do whatever brings you joy.