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April 17, 2024

5 Home Renovations People Forget About 

Summertime sparks interest for summer projects, and maybe you’re looking for one to start. Our advice, start with a home renovation project. Home renovation projects are a great way to keep you busy towards something that will benefit your overall living space and home equity in the long run. Maybe you’ve done them all, all the ‘fun’ ones that add a large visual impact to your home likely, but there are some more important one’s that you’re probably forgetting about. Here are some new ideas for renovating your home this summer.

Updating Windows

As a homeowner, you likely know that upgrading your windows can be a more spendy process than most like to do, hence why it is pushed off for so long. However, upgrading windows is important and well worth prioritizing. Benefits include increasing your home’s energy-efficiency, but also allowing for a more aesthetic appeal, while better sound proofing your home. Upgrading to double pane windows can make a large difference if you currently have single-pane, and triple-pane are becoming more common as well. 

Replace Outdated Electrical

Don’t be like a common homeowner and wait for something to go wrong before considering an upgrade to your electricals. Replacing old electrical systems can  help keep your home safe, preventing any major issues that could arise that add a surprise expense at the time. Also, newer electrical systems are much more energy-efficient which can actually save you money in the long run. Maybe you don’t do the actual replacing this summer, but rather consider your options, get a quote, and begin budgeting for this renovation. 

The Jewelry of the Home – Light Fixtures & Hardware 

Unless you’re actively remodeling your home, many people don’t consider the small details like light fixtures and hardware. Picture the small details as the jewelry of a home, jewelry is there to enhance the look of any space it is added to. Upgrading these aspects in a home can create a whole new feel to any room, and is a very inexpensive way to do so. Lighting plays a large role in creating the overall mood to a room and improper lighting can be a real drag. Consider finding ways to brighten a room, or add dimming lights where needed. Hardware, including door, drawer, and cabinet handles, is one of the easiest upgrades to create an elevated look to your home. Consider your options and have fun with it. 

Upgrade Your HVAC System

Another dreaded project that is pushed off until something goes wrong even thought this is actually one of the most important upgrades for a home. Keeping your HVAC system regularly serviced is one thing, but old age is old age, and you should budget accordingly based on that age. Just like electrical systems, newer HVAC systems are much more energy-efficient and can end up saving you money in the long run. Also, ductwork is another important factor in the HVAC system that we recommend having a HVAC technician inspect. Reworking ductwork could be what your home needs to get the most out of your current system. 


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5 Home Renovations People Forget About 

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