Sooner or Later, You'll Call Jim Slater

May 8, 2024

Best Habits as a Seller

Selling your home is not an easy task, and it’s most definitely not as easy as it was a few years ago. So what can you do to help the sale of your home go smoothly and quickly? Below are 6 of the best habits to have as a seller in today’s market.

  1. Make Sure your Home is in Good Condition.

Consider selling a pair of shoes, you might find yourself scrubbing the soles, or replacing the laces to look as best as they can to receive top dollar in the least amount of time. Well just like a pair of shoes, you want to present your home to buyers in the best possible manner and have it show-ready throughout the sale. 

With the old market back in 2020-2021, houses flew off the market, allowing a lot of sellers to get in the habit of not having to do many repairs before selling. However, as prices rise and generations change, most buyers in the market are currently looking for turn-key homes, with minimal fixing needing to be done. It is important to do the necessary steps to keep your home high in demand in today’s market, and repairs, touch-ups, and deep cleaning will all play an important role.

  1. Being Realistic with Price.

Due to the past market, sellers have developed an entitlement to the price tag of their home, believing that they can get whatever they desire. That’s not the case anymore. Overpricing your home can lead to many negatives when selling, and cost you more money in the long run. Rely on a real estate expert to help price your home, and never try to rule out supply and demand. The best way to get top dollar for your home is to have multiple offers, and the best opportunity to get multiple offers is by pricing at or below market value. 

  1. Focus on Curb Appeal & Accommodate for Showings.

As a seller, you want as many buyers through your home as possible. How your home looks from the curb is extremely important to make the best first impression to get buyers into a showing for the opportunity to fall in love with it.

On the same note, being accommodative to buyers for showings is extremely important as well. Avoiding time restrictions for showings, removing pets from the home, and having all lights on for every showing can make a large difference for the experience of the showing for the buyers. Jim always says that you want to do your best to prevent any negative thoughts from the buyer going into, and during a showing. 

  1. Be Honest & Open to Compromise. 

Buyers aren’t in a hurry any more and the majority are doing inspections and research on the home before purchasing. It is important for sellers to be honest about their home, starting with the disclosures. Many sellers might think hiding any issues with the home will help them get by and save some money, however, the issues are likely to come up later on in the inspection, and if you are not willing to compromise with the buyers request, you can have offers fall through. This is never a fun experience for a seller or buyer, or any agent representing them. Be open to negotiation, and hire Jim Slater, a negotiation expert, for best possible results. 

  1. Choose your Agent Wisely.

We would not recommend choosing the agent with the cheapest commission, or the first agent you meet. Successful sellers’ first success was choosing the right agent. Our advice is to make sure to interview at least 2 agents before choosing, and to pick an agent that you are most comfortable with and able to be open and honest with, and one you feel you will be protected at all costs as your representative. 

Bottom Line

Jim Slater would be happy to interview with you and share his skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise as an agent that has been selling real estate for 30 years. He is here to help you adapt all of these habits to become a successful seller with a successful closing of your home.

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Best Habits as a Seller

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